This site is an educational service brought to you by BioMarin. No gene therapies for haemophilia A or B have been approved for use or determined to be safe or effective.

Let’s talk about gene therapy

To help us have a conversation about how gene therapy could impact those who live with, treat or care for someone with haemophilia, BioMarin conducted the world’s first piece of research specifically aimed at the language used in discussing this new approach.

Let’s talk about gene therapy

A ground breaking study

Through our pioneering research, we’ve developed a recommended language that can effectively communicate information about gene therapy for haemophilia.
To find out more, watch the video below.

Want to know more?

For more information, download the FREE lexicon on gene therapy offered by BioMarin and the original qualitative study.

Download Brochure

Download the study

Want to know more?

If you would like to understand more about the topic of gene therapy by having accurate and straightforward information please visit

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EU/GTH/0015 January 2022